Can Massage Therapy Help You Recover After an Auto Accident Injury?

We offer massage therapy as part of your follow-up care after receiving emergency auto accident injury chiropractic treatment sessions. Massage therapy can provide relief from muscle tension, improve circulation and release tension.

Can Massage Therapy Help You Recover After an Auto Accident Injury?

We understand how difficult it can be to recover from an auto accident injury. That's why we offer a range of treatments to help you feel better and get back to your normal life. One of the treatments we offer is massage therapy, which can be used in conjunction with chiropractic treatment to help you recover from your car accident. Massage therapy can provide a range of benefits, including relieving muscle tension, improving circulation, and releasing tension.

We offer soft and deep tissue massages, trigger points, and Swedish massages to help your body stay relaxed while you recover from your car accident. Massage therapy can help relieve whiplash, low back pain, headaches, stiffness, and even insomnia, all common symptoms after a car accident. Scarring is a natural part of the healing process after an injury to the musculoskeletal system. Thickened adhesions and collagen fibers can restrict movement and cause pain when trying to use the affected area.

Deep tissue massage has been shown to help break down scar tissue and may even prevent it from forming. It's important to seek treatment in an emergency room before visiting us after a car accident. The emergency room will take care of any bleeding, immediate fracture, breathing problems, or concussions. After that, seek out our chiropractic practice to treat pain or chronic pain in the back, neck, shoulders, hips, or spine.

Chiropractic treatments after an accident can reduce the risk of developing injuries in the future. As such, more and more health professionals are recommending seeing a chiropractor after a car accident, regardless of whether you're in pain or not. Studies have found that chiropractic massage therapy can be beneficial in overcoming the psychological effects of being involved in a car accident. Most auto insurance policies offer personal injury protection (PIP) or Med Pay, which are designed to pay for medical care after an auto injury.

It's important to take steps now to prevent potential injuries from occurring in the days and weeks following the accident. We work closely with doctors and pain specialists to help people recover from the pain and injuries of car accidents. Soft tissue injuries in the neck, such as whiplash, are extremely common after car accidents. Getting massage therapy after a car accident can make a big difference in how you feel a week, a month, or even a year after the accident. Massage therapy can significantly accelerate recovery if the only injuries you have suffered are those affecting the musculoskeletal system. If you have suffered an injury as a result of a car accident, it's important to seek out appropriate treatment as soon as possible.

We can provide massage therapy as part of your follow-up care after receiving emergency auto accident injury chiropractic treatment sessions.